25% OFF with the purchase of any new system, Ends Monday.
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Optimising Winter Response Times with Advanced Alarm Monitoring Software

As winter sets in, the demand for fast and efficient alarm response becomes more critical than ever. But obstacles such as icy roads and power cuts make it more challenging to meet demand.  There’s not much that can be done about the likes of heavy snowfall – but there are ways to get the best...
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How GeminiSense Alarm Monitoring Software Improves Public Safety

For more than 30 years, GeminiSense has been serving organisations in numerous sectors – many of which are directly responsible for ensuring public safety. This includes universities, hospitals, police, fire and rescue, defence, airports, local authorities, and commercial and residential premises. Despite budget constraints, these types of institutions still need to deliver the same standard...
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Supported Systems

This list shows those CCTV products where at least minimum functionality is supported. As manufacturers improve their products and GeminiSense is continuously enhanced, the integration functionality is subject to change.